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House of Plants

Aloe "Black Gem" 3.5”pot

Aloe "Black Gem" 3.5”pot

Regular price $14.99 CAD
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  • Allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering and potential root rot.
  • When watering, ensure that water does not pool into the centre since this portion of the plant acts like a cradle for the water, potentially causing the plant to rot. Tip it upside down and shake it before returning it to its spot. 
  • This plant does best with a combination of direct and bright, indirect sunlight. A few hours of morning late afternoon sun is beneficial, but avoid prolonged exposure to direct afternoon sunlight during July/August, as it can burn the leaves. 
  • It is normal for the leaves to develop a reddish  hue with increased and consistent exposure to light.
  • Providing the plant with consistent light helps maintain its compact form and prevents stretching.
  • It prefers a dry environment, so avoid placing this plant in a humid climate with your leafier tropical varieties.
  • Avoid using heavy potting soils or soils that retain too much moisture.
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