This Begonia has quite a unique appearance compared to other Begonias. It is commonly referred to as a Palm Leaf or Tree Begonia due to its appearance and growth habit. This Begonia exhibits dark green foliage that is elongated and divided into slender, finger-like leaflets, resembling a palm frond. It grows bushy, with an open, airy structure. The Luxurian displays stems that are reddish-brown, sturdy, and upright, with a slightly woody texture as the plant matures. This is a stunning tropical houseplant that adds height, texture, and a rainforest vibe to any indoor space.
- Prefers bright, indirect light. Can benefit from some direct morning sun, but harsh afternoon rays may scorch the leaves.
- Although it can tolerate lower light, it may become leggy over time and require support.
- Avoid letting water sit on the leaves, as this can lead to fungal issues.
- Does best in a medium to high humidity setting.
- Avoid exposing the plant to drafts as it is very sensitive to cold.
- Water when the first 1-2 inches of soil is dry to maintain slightly moist but not soggy soil.