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House of Plants

Variegated Birdnest Anthurium (Hookeri) 4" pot

Variegated Birdnest Anthurium (Hookeri) 4" pot

Regular price $34.99 CAD
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This stunning plant boasts large, elongated, lance-shaped leaves with a glossy texture and a dramatic variegation pattern. The foliage displays streaks and patches of creamy white, pale yellow, or lime green against a rich emerald backdrop. The leaves grow in a rosette form from a central point, creating an elegant, bushy appearance. Mature plants can grow impressively large, making a strong statement in any room. 


  • Thrives with consistent bright, indirect light. A bit of morning sun is beneficial and will help to maintain the plant's variegation but avoid prolonged exposure to intense, direct midday sun which scorches the leaves, especially the white/cream portions.


  • Watering needs can vary depending on the potting media. If the plant is in potting soil, you typically want to wait for the soil to be about 1/2-3/4 dry before watering. If the Anthurium is in a chunkier mix (intended for epiphytes), you will typically have to water more frequently since water is bound to work through the potting media quickly. In the case of chunkier media, water when the first 1/4-1/3 of the substrate feels dry. Refrain from keeping any potting media constantly wet, as this can quickly lead to root rot. 


  • It does well with moderate to high humidity, but this plant can be adaptable to household humidity.


  • Due to its epiphytic nature, Anthuriums appreciates being a bit rootbound so don't be alarmed if you observe that its thick roots look snug in its pot.
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