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House of Plants

Hobbit Jade (Crassula) 4” pot

Hobbit Jade (Crassula) 4” pot

Regular price $15.99 CAD
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This Hobbit Jade is starting to cork and develop a "trunk" giving it a tree-like silhouette. This succulent thrives with minimal care. With time, it will continue to develop a thick, gnarled trunk, making it a stunning centrepiece. 


  • Adequate light is a MUST for this plant. It thrives in bright, indirect light to full sun to encourage compact growth. When it does not receive sufficient light, the plant typically stretches and appears leggy.
  • This plant can tolerate periods of cooler temperatures, down to around 12°C, but should be kept from freezing conditions.
  • Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Then water thoroughly. Overwatering is a common problem and can lead to root rot.
  • Does well in a drier environment
  • Trim leggy branches to maintain a compact shape.

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