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House of Plants

Scindapsus treubii "Moonlight" 6”pot

Scindapsus treubii "Moonlight" 6”pot

Regular price $29.99 CAD
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The Scindapsus treubii ‘Moonlight’ is a vining houseplant prized for its silvery-green, metallic-looking leaves. Its elegant nature makes it an eye-catching addition to any space, whether trained to climb or left to trail from a suspended planter or shelf.


  • Place this plant in an area that receives consistent bright, indirect light. A few hours of morning sun is beneficial, but avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight during peak summer months as the intense light and heat can scorch the leaves. 
  • Can tolerate periods of lower light environments but you may notice slowed growth, and leaves emerge smaller.
  • Avoid keeping soggy soil as this can quickly lead to root rot. Water when the first 1/3-1/2 of the soil is dry. When in doubt, this plant can tolerate a little bit of drought.
  • Appreciates high to moderate humidity but can be adaptable to household humidity 
  • Susceptible to cold damage so keep away from drafty windows.
  • Prune to maintain a lusher appearance if it's getting leggy.
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