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House of Plants

Dragon Fruit Cactus (Pitaya) 5”pot

Dragon Fruit Cactus (Pitaya) 5”pot

Regular price $14.99 CAD
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The Dragon Fruit Cactus is a fast-growing, climbing cactus with thick, fleshy, triangular stems that features spines along their ridges. These stems often trail or sprawl, making the plant a great option for those seeking a dramatic appearance. It's unlikely (not impossible) that you'll observe its unique-looking fruit in the Canadian climate. However, given the right conditions, the plant can produce stunning, fragrant, night-blooming flowers that are large and showy.


  • Requires a consistent bright spot, and requires several hours of direct sunlight daily to thrive. A southern or western windowsill is recommended, otherwise, you can supplement with grow lights.
  • Allow the soil to nearly dry out between waterings (about 70 percent dry). Overwatering can cause root rot. During the growing season, water more frequently but sparingly in winter.
  • Use a well-draining mix or sandy soil to mimic its native environment.
  • Protect from frost and cold drafts.
  • Provide a sturdy trellis or climbing support to help manage its vigorous growth.


Decorative pot is sold separately 

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