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House of Plants

Crested Euphorbia Lactea 'White Ghost' 3.5”pot

Crested Euphorbia Lactea 'White Ghost' 3.5”pot

Regular price $55.00 CAD
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Cresting" is a rare phenomenon where a plant’s growth deviates from the norm, resulting in a dramatically different appearance. These plants usually take on twisting, and undulating forms, giving plants an appearance reminiscent of coral reefs. While intriguing, this type of growth can be unpredictable and difficult to replicate, adding uniqueness to any plant collection!


  • Requires consistent bright indirect and direct sunlight. Place in a south- or west-facing window for optimal growth. It can tolerate some partial shade but thrives in a high-light setting. It is normal for the plant to develop pink hues with increased and consistent exposure to light. 
  • Water deeply but infrequently. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Low humidity is ideal for this plant.
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