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House of Plants

Euphorbia trigona variegata in 3.5” pot

Euphorbia trigona variegata in 3.5” pot

Regular price $15.99 CAD
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This plant has a columnar growth habit, with upright, branching stems that develop a unique "candelabra" shape, adding a unique architectural presence to indoor spaces. Each stem is adorned with small, spiny ridges, and along these ridges grow small, teardrop-shaped leaves that add a delicate touch to its bold structure. The marbled stems enhances its visual interest, making it a popular indoor plant for bright, sunny spots.



  • Adequate light is a MUST for this plant. It thrives in bright, indirect light to full sun to encourage compact growth. When it does not receive sufficient light, the plant gets lanky.
  • This plant can tolerate periods of cooler temperatures, down to around 15°C, but should be kept out of freezing conditions.
  • Allow the soil to nearly dry out, then water thoroughly. Overwatering is a common problem and can lead to root rot.
  • Does well in a drier environment
  • When repotting, avoid water-retentive soil, and opt for a well-draining gritty succulent mix.
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