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House of Plants

Goldfish Plant (Nematanthus) “Black Gold” 3.5”pot

Goldfish Plant (Nematanthus) “Black Gold” 3.5”pot

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The "Black Gold" variety  is a striking cultivar known for its deep, dark green, almost black foliage contrasted with bright orange, goldfish-shaped flowers. This plant’s foliage has a slight sheen and a thick, succulent-like texture, helping it retain moisture and adding to its bold, tropical appearance. The flowers, emerging from the leaf axils, are vibrant orange and resemble tiny goldfish, adding a playful contrast to the dramatic, dark foliage.This variety is low-maintenance and brings a vivid, contemporary appeal to indoor spaces

Please note that as the plant matures, "corking" can be observed. This is a natural response to aging where the plant’s lower stems develop a rough, bark-like texture over time to support heavier growth above. In the case of the Goldfish Plant, which can become dense and trailing, the thicker, corked base helps anchor and support the lush upper foliage



  • Bright indirect light is best. A few hours of direct morning like can also be beneficial for the plant.
  • Appreciates moderate humidity but adaptable to household humidity
  • Ensure to keep away from drafts and heaters as abupt fluctuations in the environment can cause the plants to stress out and loose leaves
  • Water when the first 1/3 of the the soil is dry
  • This plant tends to drink much heavier in the summer months, especially when flowers are abundant so please water accordingly.
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