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House of Plants

Hoya burtoniae variegata 2.5” pot

Hoya burtoniae variegata 2.5” pot

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This Hoya displays ovate leaves with a deep green to reddish tint, especially when exposed to consistent bright indirect light. This plant’s leaves have a slightly fuzzy texture, giving it a soft, velvety look, and leaves can often develop a beautiful dark red/purple margin. 

Please note that every plant is unique, and that type/degree of variegation will vary amongst each plant 


  • Thrives with consistent bright, indirect light. A bit of morning or evening sun will help deepen the leaf colour and maintain variegation as well as encourage blooming, but avoid prolonged exposure to intense, direct midday sun which can fade or scorch the leaves, and potentially dry out emerging flowers.
  • Watering needs can vary depending on the potting media. If the hoya is in potting soil, you typically want to wait for the soil to be about 70-90 percent dry before watering. If the hoya is in a chunkier mix (intended for epiphytes), then you will typically have to water more frequently since water is bound to work its way through the potting media quicker. In the case of chunkier media, water when the first 1/4-1/3 of the substrate feels dry. It is essential to hoya health to refrain from keeping any potting media constantly wet, as hoyas are sensitive to overwatering, and this can quickly lead to root rot.
  • Does well with moderate to high humidity, which can help its flowers bloom, but this plant can be adaptable to hold humidity, however, you may be less likely to observe blooms.
  • Due to its epiphytic nature, hoya appreciates being a bit rootbound so it can typically go for several years before needing its pot to be upsized.



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