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House of Plants

Hoya Tricolour "Krimson Princess" 4”pot

Hoya Tricolour "Krimson Princess" 4”pot

Regular price $19.99 CAD
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Hoyas tend to be slow growers (compared to leafier varieties), but be patient; these plants can grace us with their beauty for several decades! Commonly referred to as "wax plants" due to their thick foliage, Hoyas are "epiphytic" specimens, meaning they grow upon the surface of other plants such as trees. If provided with sufficient conditions, hoyas produce fragrant, long-lasting blooms. Although they look lovely when we allow their foliage to cascade freely, be mindful that they are natural climbers and can appreciate a trellis or vined against something to guide verticle growth. 


  • Due to its epiphytic nature, Hoya appreciate being root bound, so you may not need to repot for several years 
  • Allow soil nearly dry out (about 80 percent) before watering 
  • Does well with consistent bright indirect light-can benefit from a few hours of direct sun daily 
  • When repotting, ensure that you use a well-draining chunky potting mix

*please be mindful that each plant is unique and the degree of variegation will be is different per individual plant 

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