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House of Plants

Hurricane Cactus (Lepismium cruciforme) 2”pot

Hurricane Cactus (Lepismium cruciforme) 2”pot

Regular price $8.99 CAD
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The Hurricane Cactus, is a unique trailing epiphytic cactus native to South American rainforests. It displays three-sided, twisting stems that create a stunning cascading effect. Under the right conditions, dainty white or soft pink flowers can be seen along the stems.


  • Allow 1/3 -1/2 of the soil to dry between waterings -be careful to not keep soggy soil.
  • Avoid allowing the soil to completely dry out.
  • Does best with consistent bright indirect light. It can benefit from some direct morning sun but avoid prolonged exposure to harsh afternoon light. It is normal for stems to be tinged with a red/purple hue with increased and prolonged exposure to light.
  • Does well in moderate humidity but it can adapt to household humidity.



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