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House of Plants

Jade Succulent (Crassula Ovata) 4" pot

Jade Succulent (Crassula Ovata) 4" pot

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Crassula ovata is one of the more prevalent succulents on the market, and for a good reason! It's beautiful, accessible, and super low maintenance. Its fleshy leaves and thick stems characterize jade succulents.

Its colour does vary but is most commonly a deep green. You may notice that it develops red/purple edges with prolonged exposure to light. This is entirely normal! Jades are slow growers, but if cared for correctly, they can keep you company for decades. It is not uncommon to see a jade succulent that has been passed down several generations.


  • Adequate light is a MUST for this plant. It thrives in bright, indirect light to full sun to encourage compact growth. When it does not receive sufficient light, the plant stretches and appears leggy.
  • This plant can tolerate periods of cooler temperatures, down to around 12°C, but should be kept out of freezing conditions.
  • Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Then water thoroughly. Overwatering is a common problem and can lead to root rot.
  • Does well in a drier environment
  • When repotting, avoid water-retentive soils, and opt for a well-draining gritty succulent mix.
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