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House of Plants

Monstera Adansonii 8” hanging basket

Monstera Adansonii 8” hanging basket

Regular price $42.99 CAD
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Hailing from the same family as the wildly popular Monstera Deliciosa, the Adansonii boasts lacy, tropical foliage akin to swiss cheese. The leaves grow more and more fenestrations as it matures, and when trained to climb, the foliage grows larger and larger. The M. Adansonii is petite compared to its M. Deliciosa cousin, which makes it a perfect plant for those who want to bring in jungle vibes into their interior space, but not necessarily have the leeway to grow the sprawling M. Deliciosa.

Although his plant is a natural "climber," its foliage looks charming when cascading as an indoor ornamental plant. Alternatively, it's possible to encourage the development of larger leaves by allowing them to climb  (as we are replicating its natural environment)—Incorporate a trellis or pole to aid the plant's vertical growth.  The support can also help prevent or reduce tangles. You can also vine along the walls for extra jungly vibes!


  • To keep this plant happy, place it in an area with plenty of bright, indirect light. 
  • Allow first 1/4-1-3 of soil to dry before watering
  • This plant appreciates moderate -high humidity 


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