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House of Plants

Orchid Cactus (Epiphyllum) 3.5”pot

Orchid Cactus (Epiphyllum) 3.5”pot

Regular price $8.99 CAD
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Orchid cacti are native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. This epiphyte exhibits striking, flat, and wide stems that often grow long and trailing. An orange/red tint can develop with light exposure. The stems are fleshy and segmented, with distinct notches or lobes along the edges. They typically emerge very light green and darken and harden with time. When mature and provided with sufficient conditions, orchid cacti can produce large flowers. 


  • Allow 3/4 of the soil to dry between waterings -be very careful to not overwater. Keeping the soil constantly wet can quickly lead to root rot. 
  • Avoid allowing the soil to completely dry out 
  • Does best with a combination of bright indirect light, dappled mid-day light, combined with and a couple of hours of direct morning sun daily
  • This plant can tolerate periods of lower light but you may observe that the stems ermege thinner, and growth rate is slowed. 
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