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House of Plants

Philodendron “Brazil” 3.5” pot

Philodendron “Brazil” 3.5” pot

Regular price $9.99 CAD
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The Philodendron "Brazil" is a popular and easy-to-care-for houseplant known for its vibrant, variegated foliage. Reminiscent of the Brazilian flag, its heart-shaped leaves showcase shades of lime green, dark green, and yellow in an eye-catching striped pattern. This fast-growing, trailing plant makes an excellent addition to any indoor space, bringing a burst of colour to shelves, suspended planters, or even climbing up a pole or trellis.


  • Thrives with bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light levels. However, the variegation will be more pronounced with consistently bright indirect light. Avoid prolonged periods in direct midday sunlight, which can scorch its leaves. Some direct MORNING sun can be beneficial.
  • It does best with moderate to high humidity but it can be adaptable to household humidity.
  • Water when the first 1/4-1/3 of the topsoil feels dry
  • Prune as needed to maintain its shape, encourage fuller growth, and control leggy stems. This will also help the plant develop a denser appearance.


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