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House of Plants

Scindapsus “Exotica” 8” Hanging Basket

Scindapsus “Exotica” 8” Hanging Basket

Regular price $36.99 CAD
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This Scindapsus boasts reflective variegation, which occurs when air pockets form between the lower and upper layers of the leaf. Light reflects off these transparent air pockets, giving the leaves a sparkle! The "Exotica" displays a high degree of silver variegation and an intricate pattern that can be likened to a delicate filigree. 


  • Place this plant in an area that receives consistent bright, indirect light. A few hours of morning sun is beneficial, but avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight during peak summer months as this will scorch the leaves. 
  • Water when the first 1/3-1/2 of the soil is dry.
  • Avoid keeping soggy soil as this can quickly lead to root rot
  • Appreciates moderate humidity
  • Avoid allowing water to pool on the velvety leaves, as this can result in fungal issues. 
  • You can prune to maintain a lusher appearance if it's getting leggy or during the growing season. 
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