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House of Plants

String of Hearts (Ceropegia) 3.5” pot

String of Hearts (Ceropegia) 3.5” pot

Regular price $12.99 CAD
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The String of Hearts is a fast-growing, trailing succulent vine with delicate, heart-shaped leaves and long, cascading stems that add a romantic, whimsical vibe to indoor spaces. It's perfect for suspended planters or trailing over shelves. The trailing vines can grow several feet long! Another lovely feature is its blooms-small, tubular, purple-pink flowers resembling tiny lanterns.


  • Does best with consistent bright indirect light. It can benefit from some direct morning sun but avoid prolonged exposure to harsh afternoon light during the hottest months. It is normal for leaves to be tinged with a red/purple hue with increased and prolonged exposure to light.
  • Allow the soil to dry 70-90 percent before watering.
  • Do not keep the soil soggy as this can quickly lead to rot
  • Puckering or soft leaves can also be an indicator that the plant needs watering.
  • Appreciates moderate humidity but adaptable to household humidity
  • Prune strands when needed to avoid tangles and scraggly appearance 
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