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House of Plants

Tillandsia Caput Medusae

Tillandsia Caput Medusae

Regular price $7.99 CAD
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Tillandsia, commonly referred to as "air plants," are amongst the easiest-to-care-for plants we've ever encountered! These weirdos don't require soil, and they are classified as "epiphytes." This term refers to non-parasitic plants that grow or attach to other plants/trees for support (think mosses, orchids, and hoya). Airplants survive off little water, air, and light.


  • Place in a spot with medium-bright indirect light (no direct sun) 
  • Soak in water every week (every two weeks in the colder months ) for 15 minutes, shake off excess water and dry upside-down
  • Misting is also an option for smaller plants.
  • Mild-moderate humidity is appreciated but not a necessity. 


  • Post soak and shake, it's best to dry upside down to ensure that water doesn't get trapped into the centre of the plant as this will rot the plant. 
  • Although humidity is appreciated, do not trap into a closed jar! Air circulation is needed, or else they will rot. 
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