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House of Plants

Wax Ivy (Senecio macroglossus) 5”pot

Wax Ivy (Senecio macroglossus) 5”pot

Regular price $13.99 CAD
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Senecio macroglossus, commonly known as wax ivy or natal ivy, is a charming and versatile plant prized for its trailing habit, quick growth, and glossy foliage. If you want the plant to climb, provide a trellis, pole, or other support structure. Although the plant  has a trailing growth habit, it can also climb with proper support.


  • It does best with bright, indirect light. This plant can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially in the morning or late afternoon, but avoid the intense midday sun during the peak summer months, as this can easily wilt and scorch the foliage. 
  • Keep away from cold drafts. 
  • Water when the first 1/3-1/2 of the topsoil is dry. Be mindful that this plant drinks much heavier during the summer months. 
  • Prefers moderate humidity but can adapt to average indoor humidity levels.
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